Bachelor of Information Technology
The UHE Bachelor of Information Technology (BIT) program, as the name of the course suggests, is a study of information as well as computer technology. Most such programs focus on technology and how to use it. The UHE BIT course on the other hand focuses both on the concept of information as well as technologies needed to process and use it. Some experts believe that information and knowledge are a significant percentage of a modern economy. Many new jobs are therefore information-based. For example, searching for jobs involving “analytics” on the search engine results in hundreds of jobs in Australia. The field of big data is also resulting in many data analyst jobs.
The primary aim of the Bachelor of Information (BIT) program is to prepare students to understand the concept of information as well as understand the issues involved in using information technology appropriately. Furthermore, the BIT program will provide the students with knowledge of techniques and tools available to design, build and maintain software systems in an enterprise. Students will study the fundamentals of computing including programming, computer organization, operating systems, networking, and database management as well as basic concepts of computer networking and computer security.
Other jobs involving information and computer technology include software design and development; web and database programming; Internet and network specialists and careers in financial systems, business analysis, and electronic product design.

Course Information
The course is delivered and assessed in English language, however students are encouraged to submit English translations of non-English source materials from the Asia Pacific for development of international media projects.
CRICOS Course Code
Professional Accreditation
Graduates may be eligible to apply for professional membership with ACS
Total 24 number of Subjects
Level 4, 131 Queen Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
Assessment Method
​Given the AQF level of the Course, a variety of assessment methods will be used (including reflection, oral presentations, quizzes, in-class tests and final examination
Course of Study
BIT is a 6-semester course; each semester comprising of 4 subjects. To qualify for the BIT award at least 240 points must be completed successfully.
Course Duration
Full Time: 3 Years (6 Semesters)
AQF Level
​Bachelor degree (level 7) (ASCED Field of Education: 0203 - Information Systems)
Total Course Fee
A$60,000 (Tuition Fee)
A$300 Enrollment Fee (Non Tuition Fee)
Credit Points
240 CP (40 CP per semester)
Full Time
Delivery Mode
Face–to-Face Delivery at UHE campus
Year 1
Semester 1
Semester 2
Year 2
Semester 1
Semester 2
Year 3
Semester 1
Semester 2
BIT - Fee Structure
BIT - Non-tuition Fees
Course Progression Rules
Students must earn a minimum Pass or Satisfactory assessment for all subjects to progress through the course.
Students who fail any one subject may repeat that subject in or before the following semester in addition to completing any other prescribed subjects.
Students who fail two or more subjects will be required to repeat the year, with credit granted for subjects already successfully completed.
Pre-Requisites for Specific Subjects
A pre-requisite is a subject that a student must pass before they will be permitted to enrol in a related or subsequent subject. Refer to the above table for the details on pre-requisites for specific subjects. There are no pre-requisites for first year subjects. In second and third years, to be eligible to enrol in some subjects, students must successfully achieve pass grades in specified pre-requisites.
Delivery Mode
Face to face for all subjects.
Entry Requirements
Domestic: Successful completion of Year 12 or equivalent.
International: Successful completion of Year 12 or equivalent with mathematics and one of the subjects successfully completed and an IELTS or equivalent score of 6.0 with no sub-score of less than 5.5
Academic Credit and Recognition of Prior Learning
Students may be able to shorten the length of this program by applying to transfer any recognised prior learning credits. The application will be assessed in consistence with the principles of the UHE’s Academic Credit Policy and Procedure.
Professional Accreditation
Graduates may be eligible to apply for professional membership with ACS.
Assessment Method
All subjects have a minimum attendance hurdle of 80% attendance for scheduled face to face components.
All written materials are to be submitted in English.
Subjects are assessed by criteria-referenced scoring to indicative grades subject to moderation of Fail (F: 0-49%), Pass (P: 50-64%), Credit (65-74%), Distinction (75-84%), and High Distinction (85-100%).
Project group subjects are assessed by combined individual and group achievement scores. Individual achievement is assessed by continuous observed performance and participation throughout production. Group achievement is assessed at completed project screening stage with all credited crew receiving the same component score.
Skills group subjects and the Internship subject have a combined Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory assessment, with graded assessment elements.
Course Learning Outcomes
Broad and coherent theoretical and technical knowledge of IT
Graduates will be able to integrate theoretical and technical IT knowledge, effectively applying their problem solving and collaborative teamwork skills.
Interpersonal and communication skills
Graduates will be able to identify and articulate objectives of an IT project, justify and communicate the process of transforming these objectives into specifications and subsequently translating them into well-designed IT solutions.
Ability to evaluate and analyse
Graduates will demonstrate and exercise judgment to develop project specifications and manage a project team. Graduates will understand and be able to explain cultural, ethical, and economic impact of IT solutions to stakeholders
Well-designed solutions to a range of practical problems
Graduates will be able to critically apply theoretical, technical, cultural, and organisational knowledge in developing high quality IT solutions.
Course Employment Outcomes
Application Developer
Software Engineer
Games Developer
IT Sales Professional
Application Analyst
System Analyst
IT Consultant
Web Content Manager
Cyber Security Analyst
UX Designer
Technical Author
Network Analyst/Engineer
Data Analyst/Administrator
Web Developer/Designer
Digital Copywriter
PPC Specialist